Until my husband and I move into the {rent} house next month (valentines day!) I will be talking quite a bit about what I envision for the place. As I've mentioned before, the last renters did quite the number on the place...and I don't mean that positively. But of the good side of the story, my father, who has been having a hard time looking for work since he does his own home remodeling and repair, started transforming the house. My husband and I actually wanted to buy a house that needed some cosmetic fixing up and this home couldn't be more perfect.
My mom told me that before the last renters an elderly lady lived there and passed away. In this case, as crazy as it sounds, I will go into the house before we change things and talk to this "spirit". I just want to be on the safe side of things, don't want her getting upset that we gutted the kitchen or anything.
We just hope we like it enough to do the rent-to-own option and really get to the dirty work. I have moments of excitement and of terror (holy crap a whole house to take care of?! I have to make sure more than just one door will be locked now!). I just cannot wait to show some before, during and after photos. It also helps that I want to study Interior Design!
{phot credit: pointclickhome}
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