I am longing for the autumn time. Unfortunately I live in Florida and don't get to experience the true Autumn season. I hope that someday soon I will be able to move up north, preferrably Virginia, and get to experience the seasons. In Florida we have Hurricane season (current) followed by tourist season (winter) then love bug season (spring) the entire year feels like summer with a few weeks in march that feel like early spring up north. I long to wear comfy trench coats and cute boots.
My fiance's best friend and I are trying to convince my fiance to move up north. His friend is in the AirForce and will be stationed in DC for 4 years (or more). I really want to bring my children up in an area with seasons like I was brought up in. Unfortunately cost of living is cheaper in Florida and in this economy making that sort of move isn't the best idea. But I can still dream...and even begin my search for where to work IF we were to move there :)
(photo credit: bittersea)
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