I am trying to just calm down but there's so much to do and so much to decide on. Today I was at my college (where I haven't attended in 2 years!) to speak to an advisor. I want to change my AA in elementary ed to AA in business. Unfortunately there was a mix-up in the sign-up sheet and unfortunately many people were upset.
I really want to figure out what classes I should be taking because I think I finally found a career I'll be good at. I don't have very much time to go to school as it is since I am working 40 hours a week, then come home and cook and clean. Then my evening are spent everywhere.
I honestly believe that you shouldn't need a piece of parchment that says you have a degree in something to be to have a job and make more money. There are so many people in this world who are just not able to get into college for one reason or another but they have unbelieveable talent helping people or managing or teaching or cooking... It just isn't fair that the only way to get anywhere in life is by bringing in a copy of your Bachelors Degree Graduation Certificate. What's holding me back from finishing college is money. Unfortunately my parents are in the process of losing their home. My mother is the main bread-winner spinning wires and my father is a struggling home remodeling and repairman. Financial-aide will not help my funding for school (even though i am living on my own and paying all my own bills) because I am under 24, not married, don't have children, and my parents make "too much".
So school stress plus the constant pressures to exceed as a preschool teachers, preparing my class for kindergarten. My fiance and I are also starting to struggle paying our $724/month rent but we're trying to find a way out of it.
There's just so much right now going on and I can't help but to ramble. I just need to remember to "KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON"
(photocredit: pressureless)
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