Though, I do hate Valentines Day. It's merely a day for kids in highschool to buy a $1 carnation during lunch and hand it to their bf/gf or if they are single, to their best friends. The older you are the more you think to yourself "There shouldn't be one day out of the year that someone should show you they love you! It should be every day." Of course one expects the flowers and chocolates because society makes you believe that that's what you should receive on February 14th. Personally, random flowers and 'just because' chocolates are the best.
In any occassion I am in the loving mood right now. I last saw my fiance Monday evening, where he said the most amzing and sweet things to me. I don't think anyone has ever talked to me (including him!) in the 21 1/2 years I've been alive. So tonight I am posting some pictures that make me smile and think of him as I wait for Friday evening to come around when I can visit him for dinner at his job.

my engagment ring

the boy i'm going to marry

engagment ring again, in my favorite flower the lily

walking through a "haunted" graveyard

another picture i love

at my 20th birthday in 2007